Monday, December 3, 2012

Christmas Sprint

Downtown Kearney every year has what they call the "Christmas Walk"  we have missed it in prior years due to scheduling conflicts.  Here is how I envisioned this "walk" going:  We would stroll leisurely up and down Central Avenue stopping to look at the reindeer- which would be HUGE, take a hay rack ride sipping hot cocoa- laughing all the way of course, stopping to visit Santa at his lovely cottage before stopping to feed the animals at the life nativity that was so beautifully set up. 
Here is how it really went.:  First of all I never leisurely stroll anywhere- so that was out.  Secondly there were so many people that I had to have a death grip on my child and shove through people to hit the key points of attraction.  The reindeer first of all were TINY.  Mike and I are still arguing if they were real reindeer.  I have decided -per wikepeidia -that I was expecting Caribou and instead I got home grown reindeer which are much smaller than their wild counterparts. 

The "live nativity" scene was really a couple animals which i am not even sure were in Bethlehem.  Santa and horse drawn carriage were so busy that the line was down the block - we laughed at the line.  The Christmas Walk was a total bust!  There were so many people there that it was not even enjoyable.  I am not sure if we will do it again next year.

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