Thursday, July 19, 2012

What everyone else seems to think

I can not tell you how many times a day/week/month I get "When are you going to have another?"  "Working on a playmate yet?"  I know people mean well but it is gets irritating to get this question over and over on an almost daily basis.  You should see the look on people's faces when I tell them I am happy with one.  You would think I just committed a sin!  Yes, I said one,only, single child makes me happy- what is so shocking about that?  Maybe I think having 3,4,5 or 6 kids is obscene- what would you say if I said that about your decisions.  I don't understand why everyone thinks it is a big deal?  I know a lot of really great only children that are awesome adults that don't seem to have the "middle child" issues I have.  ( I am sure my mom is rolling her eyes right now)
There are a lot of things I enjoy about only having one child but mostly I enjoy watching Thatcher be Thatcher.  Thatcher gets to become his own person without having to grow up too fast or share our attention with anyone.  He is becoming the little man with his own little personality in his own element.  He is so sweet, strong willed, funny, animated, has a great imagination, and is independent. I really enjoy watching him at this age and how his personality and character is growing.  I think he already understands how to be "by himself"- he is okay playing by himself and doing what he wants to do, versus playing with other kids and doing something he doesn't want to do- he is definitely not a follower.  Honestly at this point Thatcher doesn't know any different he loves his family and having mommy and daddy all to himself.

Are we going to ever have another child?  I don't know but it won't be the end of the world if we don't. I know some people would argue with me about it but it is our decision to make and right now I love our little family and I don't want to take anything away from my Thatcher time.  Right now we are focusing all of our attention on Thatcher and ensuring that he is going to become the boy, teenager, and adult that he should be and that people say nice things about and respect.
Frankly, Thatcher wasn't exactly the easiest kiddo the first two years.  Sure he slept and ate good but his attitude- OH BOY!  There were some days I am surprised we both came out of them alive. The three's have not been a breeze but they are going better than the two's. I always ask people if you had your most difficult child first would you have had another?  That seems to stop them in their tracks.  How do I know that Thatcher won't be an angel compared to another child of our making- I am just not sure we want to roll that dice.

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